What Is Internet Marketing All About

The internet is such a pervasive part of today's social environment that it is somewhat shocking to note that it has only been in existence for less than twenty years . Yet in that time it has grown from its initial incarnation as simply a vehicle for sharing information into a massive tool for conducting business too . Hundreds of thousands of companies across the globe now depend on the internet to reach potential customers and sell their products . And to facilitate that process , an entire industry has developed around how to best and most effectively do exactly that . That industry is internet marketing .
But what is truly unique about the internet is that because every individual potentially has access to it , they also have access to participating in this new , and still developing industry in a very direct way . Today a person can develop and promote their own products or services via the internet and reach the entire planet ; a truly unprecedented thing in world history . Additionally , people can also promote and sell other people's products and participate in the success of their businesses through commissions .
The most basic method for individuals to participate in the growth of business on the internet – without having their own product to sell – is via what is called affiliate marketing . This is a system by which a person contracts with a company to promote and sell the company's product in exchange for a commission . The affiliate marketer then develops a website to conduct this promotion . Their affiliate marketing activity can be anything from an informational blog , to an email campaign , to promotional articles written on someone else's web-site . The point of all of these is to encourage shoppers to purchase the product being promoted , and for doing so the company pays these individuals a portion of the sales price as compensation for generating the sale .
Internet marketing ties together the creative and technical aspects of the Internet , and puts them into the hands of potentially every person on Earth , empowering them to participate in the world business process . Individuals can create their own marketing campaigns using all the tools the Internet has to offer ; they are limited only by their own creativity and
individual initiative . Internet marketing is essentially the democratization of the world of business . It is the most open and widespread avenue for individual empowerment in history . With Internet Marketing – a new day has truly dawned for the world of commerce .

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